Monday, July 21, 2008

Wal-Mart Pharmacy

Pharmacists, and not only the initiatives of "Wal-Mart"

May 5, the company "Wal-Mart", the largest U.S. retail operator, announced its expansion program to provide 30 - some day course of treatment drugs by adding options such as 10 - a dollar 90 - day course, as well as to expand the list of available within prescription and OTC programs, including innovative, drugs, especially for women.

.. new 90 - 10 days - the dollar rate ...

Today, the program in the networks of "Wal-Mart", "Neighborhood Market" and pharmacies "Sam's Club" across the country are available prescription (over 350) and OTC drugs, which in many therapeutic categories accounted for over 95% of appointments announced "Wal-Mart".

As noted quoted "Financial Times" John Agvunobi (John Agwunobi), Head of Unit "Wal-Mart" on health care, the program will compete with the purchase of medicines by mail - the cheapest way to purchase prescription drugs.

For some or all services not covered by health insurance of U.S. nationals such savings are very important ways. According to D. Agvunobi through the program will be available OTC Claritin (loratadin) and Zantac (ranitidine) at prices about 50% lower than that of major competitors.

According to "Wal-Mart" since the launch of the program in September 2006, consumers saved more than 1.1 billion dollars. Now this initiative has picked up and other retail operators - "Target", "Kmart" and "Kroger". "CVS", "Walgreens" and "RiteAid", the largest pharmacy chains, did not follow suit, referring to the willingness of insured patients to pay a dollar or two more as soplatezha in the acquisition of medicines in their habits, conveniently located pharmacies.

"Wal-Mart" has taken several other initiatives in the health sector, including the development inter pharmacies own network of clinics. In February 2008, was made public a plan to improve cooperation with medical institutions throughout the country, which should help in 2010 to open 400 new inter pharmacies clinics in addition to 55 already existing. Patients are under the supervision of doctors serving their assistants and nurses. "Wal-Mart" is planning to standardize clinics, including in relation to the interior, prices for services and schedule of work.

The American Medical Association (American Medical Association - AMA) at its conference in 2006 recognized inter pharmacies clinics controversial phenomenon that is still consistent with the long-term rate AMA to promote "policy multiplicity of points of access" to health care. In 2007, the AMA asked the local and federal authorities to explore possible conflicts between such clinics and other health institutions. In addition, in conjunction with the American Academy of Family Physicians (American Academy of Family Physicians) developed guidelines for the vnutriaptechnyh clinics to ensure patient safety and continuity of care. American Academy of Pediatrics (American Academy of Pediatrics) is opposed to such clinics, believing that they increased the fragmented health care system.

Predicted that total by the end of 2008, in 1500 the U.S. will inter pharmacies clinics.

Another priority is to expand health insurance coverage program "Wal-Mart", which until now enjoyed only company employees. Also with their employees retail operator began keeping electronic medical records, and now introduces the conduct of electronic health records in their clinics.