Thursday, February 16, 2012

in mexico you can buy roids in walmart store - is not illegal!

Theyre notorios for being underdosed underfilled or just plain fake. The Mexico Farmacias have Sostenon 250, Sten,Primotestin 250( Testosterone Enanthate) Testoprim(enanthate and prop mix) deca but its only 50 mgs per cc and is expensive made by Organon. They also have Schering Primobolin but its expensive too and only 50 mgs. They have Halotestin dirt cheap under the name Stenox. Hcg is cheap, goes by the name Gonakar...its 2500 per cc.(Gonadatropyl-C is 5000 i.u.s per cc but i think its been discontinued. Clomid is also real cheap as well.

If you get Clenbuterol, get Spiropent, its the best...oxyflux sucks.

Best deal are the Sostenon Pre-loads.

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