Friday, November 14, 2008

Chinese slippers are dangerous for life

Everyone who wants to buy summer shoes counsel read to the end.

Simple American guy using the services of a network of shops Walmart bought a two pairs of pretty slippers, the price of which appear as a country producer of the PRC (People's Republic of China). Putting the slippers, above ten times, the owner became alarmed by itching and redness in the area of the strap.
Initially, when the pain was weak, he did not give this meaning, I think not spread further. Once the pain has been exacerbated had to see a doctor.

Provided to be material are made slippers (more belts, leg brace) are made of material unsuitable for contact with the skin and caused unfortunate guy chemical burn. Version of the allergy to latex was also denied by doctors. 99 out of 100 Americans in this situation would be filed in court, but we have just a single case: the guy turned into a network of shops with a request for exemption from the sale of the lot of shoes.

In response (Please note that Walmart is the largest sales network in the U.S.) at the request came just izdevatelskoe letter requesting the most contact with a Chinese producer and personally resolve the conflict.

The guy does not lose, overlaid photographs on its site and hearing about it surpassed all of America. In continuation see photo burn, not for the faint-hearted.

PS: come back in the same store a month later, our hero saw the same slippers for the same price.

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