Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wal-Mart officially began Christmas Season

In the U.S., Wal-Mart officially launched the Christmas season, "providing its clients with a valuable opportunity to save on gifts." According to Wal-Mart, shoppers should not wait until the end of the day Thanksgiving (the last Thursday of November) to start large purchases.

Wal-Mart offered prices for "black Friday" (the last Friday of November) for three weeks earlier, when issued urgent message: an extraordinary low prices for five of the most popular gifts this season. Realizing that a growing number of consumers using the Internet to compare prices in stores, Wal-Mart's online sample showed obvious savings on Thursday November 1.

Goods will be available in stores, starting in the morning on Friday, November 2, since the day the company officially opens special Christmas shops. "Our customers can meet all their holiday needs at Wal-Mart and not only save money but also to buy gifts, which they can donate proud" said John Fleming, head of Merchandising Wal-Mart USA.

Customers can sign up to receive information via email or SMS, or go to the site of Wal-Mart November 1, to be the first to learn of the secret list of goods and daunting low cost to them. Savings on goods that are most in demand to buy as a gift - the central theme of a marketing campaign "Christmas Wal-Mart". Advertising in newspapers and on radio "explain" to customers that shopping at Wal-Mart: "The more you save, the more Christmas you can donate" ( "The more you save, the more Christmas you can give").

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